Laboratory for Bioarchaeology

Vesna Dimitrijević

Full professor


Address: Čika Ljubina 18-20, 11000 Beograd

Research interests: archaeozoology, paleontology of quaternary mammals,



1995 PhD University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology. Doctoral thesis “Upper Pleistocene mammals from cave deposits of Serbia” (in Serbian language).

1989 MA University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology.  Thesis “Quaternary mammals of Smolućka cave“ (in Serbian language).

1983 BA University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology.

1981 BA University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy Department for Archaeology


2015-2021 “BIRTH – Birth, mothers and babies: Prehistoric fertility in the Balkans 10000-5000 cal BC”, BioSense Institute Novi Sad

2010-2020 “Bioarheology of ancient Europe – people, animals, and plants in Serbian prehistory” (n. III 47001), Faculty of Philosophy, Laboratory of Bioarchaeology, University of Belgrade.

  • Archaeozoology
  • Archaeozoology of the Paleolithic

Dimitrijević V., 2020. Arheozoologija: uvod u studije zajedničke istorije odnosa životinja i ljudi. Beograd: Filozofski fakultet.

Szabó K., Dupont C., Dimitrijević V., Gastélum Gómez L. G., Serrand N., (eds.), 2014. Archaeomalacology: Shells in the Archaeological Record, Proceedings of the 11th ICAZ International Conference. Paris – Archaeomalacology Working group, 23-28 August 2010, France, BAR International Series 2666. Archeopress, Oxford.

Dimitrijević V., 2017. Mesolithic Faunal Remains from Crvena Stijena. In: Whallon R. (ed.), Crvena Stijena in Cultural and Ecological Context, Multidisciplinary Archaeological Research in  Montenegro,  295-298.

Dimitrijević V., Naumov G., Fidanoski L. & Stefanović S. 2021. A string of marine shell beads from the Neolithic site of Vršnik (Tarinci, Ovče pole), and other marine shell ornaments in the Neolithic of North Macedonia. Anthropozoologica 56(4):57-70.

Dimitrijević V., 2021. Ključna dopuna faunističke sekvence srednji-kasni pleistocen Srbije: ostaci sisara iz naslaga pećine Pešturina (Jelašnica, istočna Srbija). Posebna izdanja Srpske akademije nauka i umetnosti, Odeljenje za matematiku, fiziku i geo-nauke, Zbornik Odbora za kras i speleologiju, 11: 91-102.

Dimitrijević V., Mihailović D., Kuhn S. and Dogandžić T., 2018. Evidence for subsistence strategies of Gravettian hunter-gatherers in the Central Balkans. Subsistence strategies in the Stone age, direct and indirect evidence of fishing and gathering, Materials of the International conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Vladimir Mikhailovič Lozovski, – May 2018, Saint-Petersburg, p.47-48.