Laboratory for Bioarchaeology

Mladen Mladenović

Research assistant 


Address: Čika Ljubina 18-20, 11000 Beograd

Research interests: archaeozoology, late antique and early byzantine periods, diet strategies, animal husbandry, animal management, hunting, fishing


2020 PhD candidate

2020 Master degree – Thesis: The diet of the inhabitants of the fortified palace Felix Romuliana – Gamzigrad throughout the Late Antique and the Early Byzantine periods: faunal remains from tower 15 (in Serbian)

2019 Bachelor degree


Mladenović, M., Mladenović, T., Dmitrović, K. 2023. The Late Antique dietary habits in Western Serbia: a case study of the Čačak – Dvorište Gimnazije site, 10th Postgraduate ZooArchaeology forum, 24–26 May 2023, Zagreb, Croatia, p16.

Mladenović, M., Pop-Lazić, S. 2023. Animal management in the fortified palace Felix Romuliana Gamzigrad (Serbia) throughout the Late Antique and the Early Byzantine periods, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, vol. 49

Krajcarz, M., Krajcarz, M., Baca, M., Golubiński, M., Bielichová, Z., Bulatović, J., Csippán, P., Dimitrijević V., Kyselý, R., Makowiecki, D., Marciszak, D., Marković, N., Mladenović, M., Van Neer, W., Obada, T., Živaljević, I., Bulatović, A., Ivanišević, V., Pop-Lazić, S., Mihailović, D., Ostasz, A., Penezić, K., Tasić, N., Špehar, P., Wilczyński, J., and Popović, D. 2022. The history of the domestic cat in Central Europe, Antiquity, p1628–1633.

Младеновић, Т., Младеновић, М. 2022. Прелиминарни резултати анализе фауналних остатака са локалитета Св. Варвара на Рељиној градини код Новог Пазара (археолошка кампања 2022. године), Редовни јесењи састанак Средњовековне секције САД, 25–26.11.2022., Нови Пазар, Србија, стр. 19–20.

Mladenović, M. 2021. Exploitation of beast of burden in the territory of present-day Serbia during the Late Antique and the Early Byzantine periods: a zooarchaeological perspective’,  9th PZAF (Postgraduate ZooArchaeology Forum), online, 25–27th June 2021, p36.

Mladenović, M. 2021. Animal management in the fortified palace Felix Romuliana – Gamzigrad (Serbia) throughout the Late Antique and the Early Byzantine periods’, ICAZ-Zooarchaeology of the Roman Period – 3rd Working Group Meeting: Animals in the Roman Economy: production, supply, and trade within and beyond the Empire’s frontiers, online, 11–12 March 2021, p6.

Мladenović, T., Mladenović, M. 2020. Animal Exploitation in the Territory of Present-Day Serbia During the Medieval Period: a Zooarchaeological Perspective, in Marković, N., Bulatović, J. (eds), Animal Husbandry and Hunting in Southeast Europe Through Time, Oxford: Archaeopress, p167–186.

Младеновић, Т., Младеновић М. 2019. Експлоатација животиња током средњег века на територији Србије: археозоолошка перспектива, Српско археолошко друштво, XLII Скупштина и годишњи скуп: програм, извештаји и апстракти, Неготин (Србија), 31. мај – 1. јун 2019. године, стр. 104.

Mladenović, M. 2013. Strategija ishrane na lokalitetu Jerinin grad – Brangović, Petničke sveske, 72, Valjevo: Valjevoprint, str. 473–479.