Laboratory for Bioarchaeology
Mihailo Radinović

Research Associate
Address: Čika Ljubina 18-20, 11000 Beograd
Research interests: lithic technology, cultural transmission, anthropomorphic figurines, quantitative analyses
2022 PhD Degree – University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy
2015 Master degree – Erasmus Mundus Master in Quaternary and Prehistory, Department of Humanities, University of Ferrara, Italy
2012 Bachelor degree – University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy
2022 ARCHAEOWILD: The Holocene History of Human-Wildlife Conflict and
Coexistence: Archaeozoological, Archaeobotanical, Isotopic, Ancient DNA,
Iconographic and Written Evidence from the Central Balkans, funded by
the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
(project leader dr Sonja Vuković)
2020 “Contemporary bioarchaeological approach to the research of the Bronze Age in Serbia: the Mokrin necropolis 50 years later”, Narodni muzej Kikinda
2018 – 2020 “Bioarchaeology of Ancient Europe: humans, animals and plants in the prehistory of Serbia” (project no. III 47001), Laboratory for Bioarchaeology, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia
2020/2021; 2019/2020 – Graduate student instructor/teaching assistant “Scientific method in archaeology with the basics of statistics” (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia)
Радиновић, М. и Јовановић, М. (2016). Могућност разликовања палеолитских артефаката и геофаката у близини лежишта минералних сировина. XXXIX Годишњи скуп српског археолошког друштва, Вршац, Србија, 02 – 04. јун, стр. 99-100.
Трипковић, А., Радиновић, М., Порчић, М. и Стефановић, С. (2018). Телесност и прикази трудноће у касном неолиту: антропоморфне фигурине са локалитета Винча-Бело брдо. XLI Годишњи скуп српског археолошког друштва, Панчево, Србија, 31. мај – 2. јун, стр. 109-110.
Tripković, A., Radinović, M., Porčić, M. and Stefanović, S. (2018). Mothers, babies and figurines in the Neolithic of Central Balkans. 24th Neolithic Seminar, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 26 – 27. October, pp. 24.
Tripković, A., Radinović, M., Porčić, M. i Stefanović, S., 2019. Ikonografija i telo: prikaz pola na antropomorfnim figurinama sa lokaliteta Vinča-Belo brdo. XLII Godišnji skup srpskog arheološkog društva, Negotin, 30. maj – 1. jun, str. 81.
Radinović, M., Arzarello, M., Ollé, A. and Berruti, G. (2019). Characterizing flakes produced by bipolar knapping on an anvil: experimental insights. XLII Godišnji skup srpskog arheološkog društva, Negotin, Srbija, 30. maj – 1. jun, str. 118-119.
Radinović, M., Krečković, M., Porčić, M. and Stefanović, S. (2019). Revisiting the chronology of the Bronze Age necropolis in Mokrin (Serbia). The 25th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting, Bern, Switzerlan,. 4-7. September, pp. 382.
Радиновић и М. Јовановић, M. (2019). Палеолитски артефакти или геофакти: анализа површинских колекција прикупљених у близини лежишта минералних сировина на подручју Врњачке Бање, Гласник Српског археолошког друштва 35: 7–25.
Porčić, M., Radinović, M. and Branković., M. (2019). Interpreting the Central Balkan Late Neolithic figurines from the perspective of cultural transmission theory. 25th Neolithic Seminar, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 8 – 9. November, pp. 10.
Radinović, M. and Kajtez, I. (2020). Shaping the blades: the potential of application of Elliptic Fourier Analysis to prismatic blades. The 26th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting (Networking), Budapest, Hungary, 26-30. August, pp. 146.
Radinović, M. and Porčić, M. (2020). Phyletic seriation of experimentally produced anthropomorphic figurines: an exercise in morphometric analysis. The 26th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting (Networking), Budapest, Hungary, 4-7. September, pp. 147.
Radinović, M. and Kajtez, I. (2021). Outlining the knapping techniques: Assessment of the shape and regularity of prismatic blades using elliptic Fourier analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 38, pp. 103079.
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