Laboratory for Bioarchaeology
Dimitrije Marković

Research Assistant
Address: Čika Ljubina 18-20, 11000 Beograd
Research interests: archaeozoology, roman husbandry, roman army diet, roman army supply systems
2019-ongoing – PhD candidate, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia
2018 – MA in Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Master thesis title: The economy of the settlement on the site of Rit and the potential of supplying Viminacium: archaeozoological approach
2017 – BA in Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- 2020-ongoing – Graduate student instructor/teaching assistant at Methodology of archaeozoological research and Bone tools, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia
2021-ongoing – The Holocene History of Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence: Archaeozoological, Archaeobotanical, Isotopic, Ancient DNA, Iconographic and Written Evidence from the Central Balkans. Laboratory for bioarchaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia
2019-2020 – Bioarchaeology of Ancient Europe: humans, animals, and plants in the prehistory of Serbia. Laboratory for bioarchaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Vuković, S., Jovičić, M., Marković, D., Bogdanović, I. (2021) ‘Sacrificing dogs in the late Roman World? A case study of multiple dog burial from Viminacium amphitheatre’ in Deschler-Erb, S., Albarella, U., Valenzuela Lamas, S., Rasbach G. (eds.) Roman animals in ritual and funerary contexts: Proceedings of the 2nd Meeting of the Zooarchaeology of the Roman Period Working Group, Basel 1st-4th February, 2018, Kolloquien zur Vor-und Fruhgeschichte 26, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, pp. 237-256.
Marković, D., Mladenović, T. (eds). (2021) Book of Abstracts 9th PZAF: Postgraduate Zooarchaeology Forum 25th-27th June 2021.
Marković, D., Danković, I. (2020) ‘The potential for horse breeding in the vicinity of Viminacium’ in Marković, N., Bulatović J. (eds.) Animal husbadry and Hunting in the Central and Western Balkans Through Time, Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing Ltd., pp. 143-153
Savić, M., Marković, D. (2020) ’Hannibal – Roman soldier: inscriptions on military equipment from the territory of Seriba’ in Mihajlović D. V., Janković A. M. (eds.) Pervading Empire: Relationality and Diversity in the Roman Provinces, Potsdam: Franz Steiner Verlag, pp. 201-218.
Vuković, S., Marković, D. (2019) ’Ostaci životinja iz horizonata mlađe praistorije na lokalitetima Nad Klepečkom i Rit’ u Kapuran, A., Bulatović, S., Filipović, V., Golubović, S. (eds.) Viminacijum u praistoriji, iskopavanja 2005-2015. godine, Beograd: Arheološki institut Beograd, pp. 223-246.
Вујовић Т., Марковић Д. (2017) ‘Проблем функционалне атрибуције „садиљки“ у винчанској култури’, Артефакти, 1/2017, pp. 7-18.
Conference talks:
Marković, D. 2021 ‘Animals in the funerary ritual: faunal remains from the 2nd-3rd century cremation burials in today’s south Serbia’, 9th Postgraduate Zooarchaeology Forum, online, 25-27 June, pp. 35.
Marković, D., Pavlović, T. 2021 ‘Late Roman necropolis in Remesiana in the light of the new bioarchaeological analyses’, Ricerche di Archeologia Cristiana. Tardantichità e Altomedioevo, II Colloquio internationale tra dottorandi e dottori di ricerca, Rome, Italy, 1-3 February
Marković, D., Bogdanović, S. 2020 ‘Changes in Livestock Management Between the Late Roman and Early Medieval Periods in the Balkan Danube Region: Evidence from Serbia’, 26th EAA Virtual Annual Meeting, 24-30 August, pp. 224.
Pavlović, T., Đukić, K., Marković, D., Đurić, M. 2019 ‘Reviving the skeletal material and traditional interpretations: results of AMS radiocarbon dating of the Late Antiquity cemeteries in Norther Serbia’, 7th “Homines, Funera, Astra”: Death, Mobility and Migration from Prehistory to Middle Ages, Alba Iulia, Romania, 13-16 October pp. 29.
Marković, D. 2019 ‘Supplying the Roman City and Legionary Camp: An Example from Viminacium (Serbia)’, 8th Postgraduate Zooarchaeology Forum, Yerevan, Armenia, 21-23. July
Марковић, Д. 2019 ‘Потенцијал узгоја коња у околини Виминацијума’, LXII Скуп САД, Неготин, Србија, 30.мај-01.јун, стр. 102-103.
Marković, D., Savić, M. 2018 ‘Case of the wounded beast: Red deer tibia with projectile trauma from Viminacium’, XXIIII Limes Congress, Belgrade-Viminacium, Serbia, 02-09 September, pp. 75.
Vuković-Bogdanović, S., Marković, D., Danković, I., Dimitrijević, V. 2018 ’Exploitation of freshwater mussels in the late prehistory of Southeast Europe: Case study of an Early Bronze Age settlement in Kostolac (Eastern Serbia)’, 13th ICAZ International Conference, Ankara, Turkey, 02-07 September, pp. 26.
Marković, D. 2018 ‘A Roman tannery? The case study from Viminacium, Serbia’, 7th PZAF (Post Graduate Archaeozoology Forum), Palermo, Italy, 27–29 June.
Vuković-Bogdanović, S., Jovičić, M., Marković, D., Bogdanović, I. 2018 ’Dog sacrificing in the Roman world: Examples from Viminacium (Upper Moesia, Serbia)’, 2nd Roman Period Working Group Meeting of the International Council for Archaeozoology (Animals in ritual and funerary context), Basel, Switzerland, 01-04 February, pp. 15.
Marković, D., Savić, M. 2016 ‘Hannibal – Roman soldier: inscriptions on military equipment from the territory of Serbia’, Imperialism and Identities at the Edges of the Roman World 3, Petnica Science Center, Serbia, 22–25 September, pp. 102.