Research interests: Physical Anthropology, Early Bronze Age, Archaeology of children, the health status of past populations, reconstruction of diet in the past, reconstruction of physical activity in the past.
2020-ongoing, Ph.D. student in Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2019-2020. MA in Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade (Thesis title: Funerary practice in Early Bronze age: role and status of children in Moriš society)
2014-2019. BA in Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
Амзирков, М. 2021. Када деца постају одрасли у бронзаном добу: дубине укопа на некрополи Мокрин (2100-1800 пре нове ере), XLIV Скуп српског археолошког друштва, Параћин, 14-16. октобар.