Laboratory for Bioarchaeology
Ana Đuričić

Research Associate
Address: Čika Ljubina 18-20, 11000 Beograd
Research interests: Neolithic archaeology, experimental archaeology, Neolithic architecture, technology studies, social organization in the Neolithic period, thermal structures
2019 PhD degree – University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy (Title of the Doctoral Dissertation: Hearths and Ovens in the Neolithic of the Central Balkans – building techniques and usage)
2012 Master degree – University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy (Title of the MA thesis: Experimental archaeology – construction analysis and oven building techniques: archaeological remains from the site of Vinča – Belo Brdo)
2011 Bachelor degree – University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy
2020 – Humans and society in the time of crisis (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade)
2016. CONPRA – Contributing the preventive archaeology: Innovativeness, development and presentation (Support for training and career development of researchers (Maria Curie), Industry – Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP), Via Magna s.r.o, Martin, Slovačka)
2014. „Replica production of figurines from the site of Blagotin “, National University of Trstenik, Serbia (project co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and Information, Republic of Serbia)
2013 – Bioarchaeology of Ancient Europe: humans, animals and plants in the prehistory of Serbia” (project no. III 47001) 2020 – Čovek i društvo u doba krize (Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu)
Book chapters
Đuričić, А. 2018. Experimental reconstruction of a Neolithic oven from the site of Vinča, In: Alarcón García, E., Padilla Fernández, J. J., Arboledas Martínez, L. and Chapon, L. (eds.): Algo más que galbos y cacharros. Etnoarqueología y experimentación cerámica/Something more than galbos and pots. Ethnoarchaeology and ceramic experimentation: MENGA Revista de prehistoria de Andalucía, Serie monogràfica 4: 329 – 337. Junta de Andalucía Consejería de cultura, Conjunto Arqueológico Dólmenes de Antequera.
Ђуричић, А. 2016. Заштитна ископавања локалитета Камењарке у Српској Кући, У: Перић, С и Булатовић, А (ур.), Заштитна археолошка истраживања на аутопуту Е75, 2011-2014. године: 383-395. Београд: Археолошки институт.
Đuričić, A. 2014. The Construction and Usage of the Neolithic Oven: Experimental Archaeology, In: Antonović, D and Vitezović, S. (eds.): Archaeotechnology: studying technology from prehistory to the Middle Ages: 257-277. Belgrade: Srpsko arheološko društvo.
Journal articles
Ђуричић, А. и Димић, В. 2020. Место и улога експерименталне и искуствене археологије у интерпретацији прошлости, Гласник Српског археолошког друштва 36: 401–423.
Jašarević, A i Đuričić, A. 2017. Bregovi nad Bakarama, naselje starčevačke kulture u sjevernoj Bosni, Cleuna 2: 7-23.
Conference papers
Đuričić, A. 2020. Oven daub preservation in the archaeological record – Vinča culture sites, In: Vitezović, S., Šarić, K. and Antonović, A. (eds.): Current interdisciplinary studies in technology in the archaeology of the South-east Europe – Interdisciplinarna istraživanja tehnologije u arheologiji jugoistočne Evrope: 138-144. Belgrade: Srpsko arheološko društvo.
Conference presentations
Đuričić, A. 2020. Oven daub preservation in the archaeological record – Vinča culture sites. Prvi skup Sekcije za arheometriju, arheotehnologiju, geoarheologiju i eksperimentalnu arheologiju Srpskog arheološkog društva, 28. februar, Beograd, Srbija, Zbornik radova: 138-144.
Đuričić, A. 2019. Early Neolithic oven building techniques at the territory of the Starčevo culture, 7th scientific conference Methodology and Archaeometry, Zagreb, Hrvatska 2-3. decembar 2019, 35.
Ђуричић, А. 2018. Технологија израде пећи из куће 01/06 са локалитета Винча – Бело брдо, XLI Годишњи скуп Српског археолошког друштва, Пенчево, Србија 31. мај – 2. јун 2018. године: 108, 109.
Đuričić, A. 2018. Early Neolithic ovens form the site of Lepenski Vir: New Shape – Old Material, 24 th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting (Abstract book Vol.1) – Barcelona, Spain 5 – 8. September 2018, 411.
Ђуричић, А. 2017. Јаме запуњене пепелом са локалитета Павловац – Чукар, XL Годишњи скуп Српског археолошког друштва, , Србија 5 – 7. јун 2017, 80.
Đuričić, A. 2017. Neolithic ash pits from the site of Pavlovac – Čukar – function and interpretation, 5th scientific conference Methodology and Archaeometry, Zagreb, Hrvatska 30. novembar-1. decembar 2017, 34.
Đuričić, A. 2016. Reconstructing the Technology: Excavation of the Oven from the House 01/06 from Vinča – Belo Brdo and its Experimental Reconstruction. 4th International Scientific Conference Methodology and Archaeometry – Hrvatska, Zagreb 1 – 2. decembar 2015, 37.
Đuričić, A. 2015. Vinča culture ovens – from cinnabarite to bread: a review of the interpretations and the role of ethnology in the archaeological studies. International Doctoral Student Conference on Archaeology (IDSCA) – Hrvatska, Zagreb 15 – 17. april 2015, 25.
Đuričić, A. 2015. Shelter vs. Home: Different Perceptions of a House in the Neolithic of the Central Balkans. Settlements, Culture and Population Dynamics in Balkan Prehistory – Makedonija, Skoplje 13 – 14. mart 2015, 21.
Đuričić, A. 2014. Different times call for different ovens, 20th Annual Meeting of EAA – Turska, Istanbul, 10 – 14. septembar 2014, 274.
Padilla Fernandez, J. J., Giron Anguiozar, L., Đorđević, B. and Đuričić, A. 2014. Rescuing forgotten technologies: the experimental building of a roman pottery kiln in Timacum Minus (Ravna, Serbia). IV International Congress On Experimental Archaeology – Španija, Burgos, 8 – 11. maj 2014, 38, 39.
Јашаревић, A, Ђуричић, А. 2013. Бакаре над Бреговима – насеље старчевачке културе у северној Босни. XXXVI Годишњи скуп Српског археолошког друштва – Србија, Нови Сад, 30. мај – 1. јун 2013, 39,40.
Ђуричић А. 2013. Израда реконструкције пећи са локалитета Винча – Бело брдо и њено стање после годину дана. XXXVI Годишњи скуп Српског археолошког друштва – Србија, Нови Сад, 30. мај – 1. јун 2013, 94,95.
Đuričić, A. 2013. Reconstruction of a Neolithic Oven from the Site of Vinča – Belo Brdo. II International Congress of Pottery Studies. Ethnoarchaeology and Experimentation: going further the analogy – Španija, Granada, 5 – 9. mart 2013, 56.